2021 Ladies Invitational 2021-06-27


2021 Ladies Invitational for 2021-06-27

2021 Ladies Invitational


Eligibility:  All LGA Members with the World Handicap System. If a current handicap is not established, the Handicap Committee along with the Golf Staff will establish a handicap for this event.

Guests must have a current WHS handicap


Event Format: 2 Person Best Ball wih Gross and Net Divisions


Event Itinerary:   

12:00 P.M.  Registration

12:45 P.M.  Announcement in the staging area

1:00 P.M.    Shotgun start

5:00 P.M.    Awards and Dinner


Rules: Each player plays their own ball and the best net score on each hole is used.


Tee Markers: All players will use Red tee markers.


Tie Breaker: Ties for first place will be determined by a score card playoff beginning with the first handicap hole.


RSVP For Event

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