Parent Child Tournament 2016-07-17



Parent Child Tournament for 2016-07-17

Parent - Child Tournament
Sunday, July 17th, 2016

Event Deadline: Thursday July 14th, 2016
Entry Fee: $50 per team, $25 for each additional child (Lunch and Prizes included)
Registration: Sign up as a team

Event Format: The format for this event is a Two-Person Modified Alternate Shot. Each player hits a shot from the teeing ground. The ball in the best position will played by the team. Alternate shot will begin with the second shot played on each hole. The alternate shot process will continue until the ball is holed. All teams will receive 40% of the primary Members handicap.

Event Itinerary: 18 Holers 2:00 P.M
9 Holers 4:00 P.M.

Tee Markers:

6 and under Piper Tees (150 yard marker)
7 – 11 Red Tees
Ladies Red Tees
12 – 13 White Tees
14 –15 White Tees
16 and older Blue Tees
Men Blue/Gold Tees

Event Rules: Modified Alternate Shot
Tie Breaker: All ties will be broken by a scorecard playoff.

RSVP For Event

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